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UAE: Digital accessibility: Making sure technology works for everyone
UAE: National digital accessibility policy in the UAE
Abu Dhabi Strategy for People of Determination 2020-2024
UAE Legislation
Federal Law No. (29) of 2006 Concerning the Rights of People of Determination:
Article 16 – “UAE nationals of determination have the right to work and hold public office. People of determination needs shall not be a barrier for their nomination and selection for a job. People of determination needs should be taken into account while testing the candidate’s competency for the job”
Dubai Government Law No. 2 of 2014:
This Law aims to achieve the following objectives:
providing Accessible Environments to ensure that Persons with Disabilities enjoy all their rights under the legislation in force; fostering respect for the dignity of Persons with Disabilities; protecting Persons with Disabilities from all forms of Discrimination, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation; and integrating Persons with Disabilities into society as effective members
Resolution No. 43 of 2018: Aims to support the rights of people of determination in the field of employment by enabling access to opportunities in the labor market
Employer Legal Requirements
Dubai Government Law No. 2 of 2014 – “Offering Persons with Disabilities the opportunity to work together with their non-disabled peers in line with measures and regulations that ensure non-discrimination in workplaces, so that they are given the same opportunities and rights as others working in the same field and are provided with the Reasonable Accommodations that enable them to perform their duties, maintain their employment, and achieve career advancement”. (Law No. 2 of 2014)
Why AI & Overlay Widgets Fail to Protect or Serve
Why Overlays Are Not the Answer to Web Accessibility
National Digital Accessibility Policy
TDRA supports implementation of National Digital Accessibility Policy
The National Digital Accessibility Policy (Arabic only, PDF 477KB) supports digital transformation and service efficiency in the UAE, ensuring digital inclusivity for all segments of society, including people of determination and the elderly.
The policy strives to ensure easy access to all digital products for people of determination and the elderly. It aims to empower them with efficient access to digital services while supporting government transitions to integrated digital platforms.
This includes prioritising services for these groups and leveraging modern technologies such as AI and digital transactions for enhanced inclusivity and efficiency of services.
Scope of the policy
- The policy pertains to the facilitation and accessibility of digital services of the UAE government.
- This policy applies to:
- all federal government ministries, authorities and institutions
- semi-governmental entities, institutions, private companies, and other agencies providing in digital/electronic services
- all partners, contractors and sub-contractors involved in providing digital/electronic transactions for an entity
service providers, particularly in the development of electronic/digital websites and services.